Welcome to Oak Class and the beginning of your Year 6 journey!
The Year 6 team are thrilled to welcome you all to our class.
The Year 6 team are Miss Baldwin, Mrs Bamford and Mrs Chatburn
Autumn Term 2
PE day this half term will be on a Friday.
We have forest school on a Wednesday afternoon.
SATs buster sessions
Reading - Tuesday 3.30-4.15pm
Maths - Wednesday 8am-8.45am
You will have been informed on parent app if your child needs to attend a buster session.
- Children should be completing 20 mins of reading and TT rockstars at home each evening.
- Homework is sent home on a Thursday afternoon and is to be brought back to school on a Monday morning.
Please find out about what we will be learning this half term by pressing the link below...