Welcome to Sycamore Class
Our Year 4 learning team includes Mr Mason, Mrs Broughton and Miss Semple.
Welcome to our class page which includes some of the learning that we are busy exploring plus lots of links to help extend our knowledge further.
Faith is our value for this half term and we have linked this to St John Southworth. We will be linking this value to the scripture of 'Feeding the 5000'. Faith is a theme throughout the bible and underpins our mission statement. We can show faith in a number of ways to everyone around us.
Matthew 21:22: "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."
Luke 1:37: "For nothing will be impossible with God."
FAITH is our school value for this half term.
Class Information
Forest School
From Wednesday 8th January until 12th February, Y4 will have their forest school sessions on a Wednesday afternoon. There is also an after school club open to the children too - letters have been sent out. If you require for details, please ask.. The children will need to come to school in their outdoor clothes ready. The children can come to school in their own clothing but needs to be appropriate for the outdoor sessions. We recommend jogging trousers, t-shirts, jumpers/hoodies, hats, gloves. The children can bring their own wellies and waterproofs although we do have some sizes in school. Please make sure that they come with a bag and they are labelled.
PE Day
P.E in our class will be on a Thursday afternoon for spring 1. Our theme for this half term is gymnastics. The session will be guided by ProSport and there will be an afterschool club to support this. Please send your child to school with their full P.E kit in a bag on a Monday morning and then it is ready in school for the week. This will then be returned home on a Friday. Thank you.
Reading Books
Reading Books will go home each evening and need to come back to school every morning. Please read with your child for 10 minutes at home each evening, then sign their reading journal.
Children who read phonics book will get a new book every Monday.
Children who are reading accelerated reader books will get a new book after they have completed a quiz at school.
Thank you to everyone who has been supporting their children at home. Your support at home is very beneficial to the children's learning overall. Please ask if you have any questions about this.
Here are some ideas to help you with reading at home:
Follow your child’s natural interest and look up information on the internet. They won’t notice that they are practising their reading. They will also be practising vital retrieval and research skills
Some children just prefer non-fiction. Reading non-fiction is a great way to improve vocabulary, learn how to tackle new words, improve knowledge and develop a love for reading. Joke books, fact books, top ten books are all just as good for learning to read as reading fiction
Many children love graphic novels or comics. These are great for developing imagination. Children also learn how stories are presented in different ways and understand how pictures and text work together. There’s also quite a bit of reading between the lines needed here
Read signs and information boards as you are out and about. These often contain new vocabulary to discuss. Recipes or instructions for craft projects are also great for this and also encourage us to read with accuracy
Try to encourage your child to tackle a longer fiction story. Reading a longer story for pleasure has many benefits. It develops imagination and empathy; it builds reading stamina and introduces new vocabulary and sentence styles
Although they don’t practise phonics, listening to audiobooks does practise comprehension skills and might even encourage your child to read other books for themselves. Listening to books develops imagination, teaches new vocabulary, and allows your child to experience books above their reading age.
Times Tables
Times tables are a big focus for us in Year 4. The children are currently exploring a different times table fact every day when they come into school between 8.45-9.00am,
Your child we bring home a different times table to learn at home each week.
Your child should be using TT rockstars at home to practice. We have been setting up different competitive 'battles' to allow the children to challenge others and improve their understanding. They have a username and password in the front of their home school reading books.
You can access TT Rockstars here: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/24057
We have been using some chanting and repetition to practise our times tables when we have had some spare time, here are some useful links that you can use to help.
2 x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/zrrx92p
3 x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/z6sw382
4x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/zmsw382
5x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/zhbm47h
6x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/zrq3xyc
7x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/zjp8y9q
8x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/z4mrhbk
9x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/zr2gt39
10x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/zm32cqt
11x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/z464nrd
12x https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/articles/z7v7rj6
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
KO - Geog - Where-does-our-food-come-from.pdf | |||
Year 4 - Knowledge Organiser - Unit 4.10.pdf | |||
KO Year-4-Painting-and-mixed-media-V2.pdf | |||
KO DT Adapting-a-recipe.pdf | |||
KO_Spanish_Shapes-and-colours.pdf | |||
STATES OF MATTER ko.docx | .docx |