Healthy Bodies, Health Mind (PSHE and RSE)




PSHE is the study of Personal, Health and Social learning and development and includes relationships and sex education and mental health and wellbeing. It is central to development of pupils in our school. PSHE and SMSC continues to be a significant part of the curriculum and day to day life at St John Southworth.

PSHE is taught through many different aspects including SCARF programme. Life to the Full (Ten:Ten) Come and See (R.E), computing and theme weeks/special events throughout the year.

The children enjoy taking part in the enrichment days and having the opportunity to discuss topi s linking to everyday events happening in the world around us. The children enjoy sharing their opinions about specific events with their peers and considering the impact of their own actions.


Overview for Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds (PSHE and RSE) - Click Here


SCARF Link  -