SJS Values

A Value is a principle that guides our thinking and our behaviour. Our SJS Values aim to support us in how we would live out our mission statement.

At St John Southworth, every individual is valued for who they are and what they contribute to the school. Values are intended to support the personal, social and spiritual development of every pupil throughout the school. They place Christ at the heart of everything we do here at SJS. 

Through the Values we aim to:

  • Improve behaviour, conduct and self confidence by developing strong values within the pupils at the school.

  • Develop pupils understanding of what values are and why they are important in life.

  • Encourage children to ‘live the values’ in all aspects of their lives both in school and out.

  • link each value to a piece of scripture so children are able to become closer to the teaching's of Christ

The whole staff team, parents and pupils are involved in promoting values and recognising where others are ‘living the values’. The values developed have been selected after consultation with pupils, staff, governors and parents as values which are important within the school community and which will be important throughout life.

Each Value is also linked to our school saints which form the basis for our reward system through house points. They are as follows ;
Faith - Saint John Southworth
St John Southworth image       THE FEEDING OF THE 5000
Love - Saint Bernadette
St Bearnadetteimage                THE SHEPHERD AND THE SHEEP
Justice - Saint Mary 
St Maryimage                  THE ANNUNCIATION
Honesty - Saint Christopher
St Christopherimage                      ZACHEAUS THE TAX COLLECTOR          
Kindness - Saint Francis
St Francisimage                     THE GOOD SAMARITAN